Regarding Mediation
Family Mediation
Me Anne-Marie Montplaisir, Me Brigitte Brunet and Me Marie-Hélène Marcoux, lawyers and accredited family mediators, offer this service in English and French.
Contact us for more information on this service.
International Mediation
Contact us for more information on this service.
Regarding our private Settlement Conference service
Our private Settlement Conference service is an alternative to going to trial to attempt achieving a settlement between the parties. It allows for the cost, delays and preparation involved with trial to be avoided.
All said, written or done during a settlement conference is confidential. Its goal is to allow for communication, negotiation, identification of your interests, evaluation of positions and to explore mutually satisfactory solutions leading to a partial or final agreement. You may attend alone or alongside counsel at private settlement conference which shall be presided by Honourable Retired Justice and legal counsel Me Pierre Béliveau, billed either at his hourly or flat rate.
You may make request a Settlement Conference at any point of legal proceedings, including before they have been instituted.
Contact us for more information on this service.